If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can choose to apply to any of the following services:

Intensive Case Management
If you have a mental health and/or addiction concern that is seriously affecting your life, this level of support enables you to work with a case manager to find appropriate services within the community to help support your recovery, reach your goals, and help you gain more independence.
Assertive Community Treatment Teams (ACTT) and Psychogeriatric Community Treatment Teams (PACTT)
If you have a serious mental illness, are experiencing the effects of psychosis, and have a history of hospitalizations, ACTT (for people 16 years and older) or PACTT (for people 55 years and older) can help you with your recovery by providing you with psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and support. The ACTT and PACTT are made up of multidisciplinary health care professionals: case managers, nurses, employment specialists, social workers, peer support workers, addiction specialists and psychiatrists. To apply for either of these programs, the person referring you to this program must provide a detailed explanation in the “Reason for Referral” section of the online application to explain why you need this service.
Supportive Housing for People with Mental Health Needs
If you’re homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, have a complex mental health and/or addictions need, and/or dual diagnosis, or have a connection to the criminal justice system, there are several supportive housing options available to you:
- Mental Health Supportive Housing
If you have a mental health concern and/or addiction, this program will link you to various levels of mental health and/or addictions support and housing options. - Addiction Supportive Housing
If you have a severe and active substance use challenge, are homeless or marginally housed, and have frequent contact with emergency departments, hospitals and/or the justice system, this program will link you to supportive housing. - Mental Health and Justice Supportive Housing
If you have a mental health concern and/or addiction, are homeless or at risk of being homeless, and are currently involved with the criminal justice system, this program will link you to supportive housing.
Service Agencies
When you apply you can choose which agency you would prefer to receive services from, or take services from the first agency that becomes available.
Individual support services such as Intensive Case Management, ACTT and/or PACTT are provided by:
- Addiction Services Central Ontario
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
- LOFT / Crosslinks Housing and Support Services
- Krasman Centre
- Southlake Regional Health Centre, and
- Your Support Services Network (YSSN)
Supportive Housing Programs for York Region and/or South Simcoe are provided by: