How to reduce stress in the home environment
VirtualLearn strategies to arrange your home environment in a way that can reduce stress, plan routines and support self care.
Learn strategies to arrange your home environment in a way that can reduce stress, plan routines and support self care.
Get immediate help with an issue related to your mental health. Our Single Session Counselling offers you personalized support so you can build a plan to work through one of the following concerns: coping with a specific mental health challenge, caregiver challenges, housing, addictions, education, access to community services, or other concern you may be…
Get immediate help with an issue related to your mental health. Our Single Session Counselling offers you personalized support so you can build a plan to work through one of the following concerns: coping with a specific mental health challenge, caregiver challenges, housing, addictions, education, access to community services, or other concern you may be…
Learn about different funding options available to families with children with ASD and other DD. This workshop is for families with children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and are registered with The Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
Get immediate help with an issue related to your mental health. Our Single Session Counselling offers you personalized support so you can build a plan to work through one of the following concerns: coping with a specific mental health challenge, caregiver challenges, housing, addictions, education, access to community services, or other concern you may be…
Get immediate help with an issue related to your mental health. Our Single Session Counselling offers you personalized support so you can build a plan to work through one of the following concerns: coping with a specific mental health challenge, caregiver challenges, housing, addictions, education, access to community services, or other concern you may be…
Need help understanding the developmental services system? Book a free, 1 hour session, with a case manager to discuss and ask important questions related to your situation. We can help you: fill out forms and applications (e.g. ODSP, SSAH, Mobility Transit, etc.) find resources give you information on adult services and Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)…
Learn about different funding options available to families with children with ASD and other DD. This workshop is for families with children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and are registered with The Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
Get immediate help with an issue related to your mental health. Our Single Session Counselling offers you personalized support so you can build a plan to work through one of the following concerns: coping with a specific mental health challenge, caregiver challenges, housing, addictions, education, access to community services, or other concern you may be…
Need help understanding the developmental services system? Book a free, 1 hour session, with a case manager to discuss and ask important questions related to your situation. We can help you: fill out forms and applications (e.g. ODSP, SSAH, Mobility Transit, etc.) find resources give you information on adult services and Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)…
Join us for a financial planning session to learn about ODSP, the Henson Trust, and RDSP’s. We will share how each of these work and how you can bring them together to create an effective plan for your loved one. If you have any questions you would like answer on the webinar please email
This live one-hour webinar is for family members who live in York Region or Simcoe County and want to learn more about Foundational Services, including eligibility and how to find services. For more information and for registration information, please visit