There are numerous free events that take place in the community that offer information and services that may be of interest to you. Take a look at the listing below for other events that may be available across York Region and South Simcoe.

Developmental Services
Ontario Autism Program: Foundational Family Services
Foundational Family Services are available to all families registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) as part of the new needs-based program.
This live webinar is for family members who live in York Region or Simcoe County and want to learn more about Foundational Family Services, including eligibility and how to find services.
The webinar is hosted and led by Foundational Family Service providers who are part of the York Simcoe Autism Network. The following service providers will be discussed:
• Catulpa Community Support Services
• Centre of Behaviour Health Sciences for Children and Families
• Children’s Treatment Network Simcoe York
• Kerry’s Place Autism Services
• Kinark Autism Services
• Your Support Service Network
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
1:30 p.m. – 2:30pm
The Zoom link will be sent to participants from Catulpa Community Support Services, the day before the event.
(*Please note: If you are missing the link, please check your Spam or Junk Folder).
Kerry’s Place Autism Services
A wide range of free, professional and educational workshops are available through Kerry’s Place Autism Services. To register for their upcoming workshops visit My Community Hub. For more information or to volunteer, call 905.841.6611 Ext. 371 or
Why Wait? A Learning and Collaboration Series
These events are guided by the concept of Person Directed Planning and instigated by the reality of limited funded resources. Person Directed Planning embraces using informal supports, creative options, partnerships and collaborations to build and maintain a community of support for the individual. Agencies within the partnership provide their expertize, as professionals in this field, to support questions and guide families in the discussions regarding creating their own residential supports.
The purpose of Why Wait? is to:
• Support planning for individuals future housing needs
• Provide ideas and information to support individual planning
• Provide an opportunity to meet other families and individuals
• Provide opportunities to collaborate and share ideas, including promising practices
• Find potential housemates with similar “Visions” for the future
Each event provides the families and individuals an opportunity to meet each other, share their Vision for the future and exchange contact information to begin collaborating and planning together.
The Why Wait? project is a partnership between KC Professional Solutions and the following agencies: Christian Horizons, Community Living York South, META, REENA, VITA and Your Support Services Network. For more information, please contact:
Mental Health Services
CMHA York Region—Support for Depression Meetings
These meetings offer individuals who are experiencing depression or have experienced depression an opportunity to share experiences in a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere, so that they can support each other and develop coping skills.
Meetings take place in Aurora, Bradford, Keswick, Markham, Newmarket and Richmond Hill. Call 905.841.3977 or 1.866.208.5509 ext. 4255 for more information.
Family Services York Region
FSYR offers counselling for children, youth, women, men and their families.For more information on their current programs, please visit their Group Program Calendar or call Janice Cook, Group and Cultural Services Coordinator at 905.895.2371 ext. 226
Women’s Centre of York Region
Women’s Centre of York Region offers unique programming and services for women that address a range of circumstances. For a listing of their current programs, visit their Events Calendar or call 905.853.9270.
York Region Public Health and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health—STOP on the Road (Stop Smoking Therapy for Ontario Patients)
This program is for individuals who would like to stop smoking. It will provide participants with five weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) patches at no cost to them and helpful information on quitting smoking.
For upcoming dates, times and locations and to register please call: 1.877.464.9675 ext. 73052
Tobacco Addiction Recovery Program (TARP) is a free smoking cessation program for individuals with a mental health diagnosis. It is offered for eleven weeks in a group setting at various locations and includes free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
For upcoming dates, times and locations, and to register, please call or email Rebecka for information at 905.967.0357 ext. 245, or rmayne@loftcsorg.
Legal and Tax Advice
Community Legal Clinic (in partnership with LAO)—Family Law Advice Service
Date and Time: Every Tuesday afternoon
Location: 21 Dunlop St., Suite 200, Richmond Hill
Individuals can call to book an appointment to see a lawyer for a half-an-hour consultation. Space is limited.
For more information or to book an appointment, please call 905.508.5018 or 1.888.365.5226.
Tax Preparation Clinics For eligible individuals who have a modest income and a simple tax situation, there are tax clinics run by volunteers from February to April throughout the region who can help you prepare income tax and benefit returns. Find a Tax Preparation Clinic in your neighbourhood.