Notre conseil d’administration

Ursula Rehdner – Chair
Lois Alderson-Wigelius, Vice-Chair
Brad Smith – Treasurer
Sarah Butterworth – Director
Susan Dobson – Director
Rosalyn Gambell – Director
Penny Hubbert – Director
Bryan Laviolette – Director
Heather Meikle – Director
Michelle Song – Director
Lisa Weekes – Director

YSSN’s work is guided by our dedicated voluntary Board of Directors. We wish to thank you for your contributions to our agency and the Board. We are grateful for your service, your loyalty, your leadership and your guidance as stewards of our organization.

At this time, would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those Board members who are stepping down from the Board:

Sarah Butterworth – Sarah has been a voluntary Board Director for the past eight years and has always been a strong supporter of the work of the agency and dedicated to her role on the Board. She has now reached the maximum term a volunteer is able to sit on the Board, as per our agency By-Laws. We will miss her wisdom, insights and passion for the work of the agency and are proud we can consider Sarah a friend of YSSN.

Michelle Song and Lisa Weekes have been voluntary Board Directors since 2019. Both have decided to step back from the Board at this time due to competing priorities. We would like to thank Michelle and Lisa for their many valuable contributions to our Board and wish them well in their future endeavours.

“I am genuinely proud to have been connected to YSSN over the past 16 years-first as an officer on the MHST and then as a board member these past 8 years. Although I have been a quiet contributor on the board, I have always been so impressed by the staff, leadership, and values of YSSN. As I move forward in my policing career, I will continue to steer people towards your services because I know the integrity of the organization and I also know that they will be served to the best of your ability.”

~ Sarah Butterworth

“I am so honoured and thankful for the experience of sitting on the YSSN board.  This learning opportunity has been outstanding, and I am amazed by the brilliant and dedicated group that serves on the Board. YSSN is an incredible organization that stands for and supports the communities that I value most. With a BIG, expansive and bright future, I wish the agency all the best and am thrilled that my own daily work has me so deeply connected to the clients, staff and programs of YSSN.”

~ Lisa Weekes

Everyone on the Board is fantastic in their role and it has been a great learning experience for me.
~ Michelle Song


67% of our funding came from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, 25% from the Ministry of Health, and 8% other.

Our budget for 2020-2021 totalled $25,557,746.56, a 5% increase from 2019-2020.

Human Resources

Our number of staff increased 7% from the previous year to 202 employees. We had 20 new hires, up 25% from the previous year, with a strong retention rate of 94%.

We were thrilled to receive the Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice Award for 2020. We are honoured to be recognized as a non-profit whose people, leadership and vision translate into outstanding talent management practices that support successful mission delivery in the communities we serve.

nonprofit employer of choice