Once the application process is completed, the DSO will assist in linking you to the appropriate services and supports based on your specific needs. They will explain services that are funded by MCSS, as well as, resources in your community. It is important to note that there are waitlists for many of the services such as residential, community participation supports and passport funding.
When a person identifies a service/support they wish to receive, they are placed on the Registry. When a funded vacancy becomes available, information such as their Application Package is shared with the agency. The agency would then contact the person about the referral.
The DSO cannot provide a wait time for services. Access to a service depends on the supports available in a program, the needs of the individual, and the urgency of each person’s situation. It is not based on date of referral.
If individuals are in urgent need, the DSO will assist in linking individuals to the appropriate resources.
It is recommended that you update DSO upon any changes to your circumstances, including a change of address or change to a caregiver’s health. Should your circumstances remain unchanged, we still recommend a general update once per year, at a minimum.